About CO-DE Project
CODE is an entrepreneurial project launched in Jordan in 2015. The project started on a small scale with private schools in Jordan and then with public schools. CODE is now operating in 25 different countries and it provides the training courses in different languages.

Tarek Al-Souleiman institution
Tarek Al- Souleiman institution “TSS” is a Syrian institution which is working in services field from more than /17/ years with specific concentrations on special sectors to create values to societies, TSS is working on creating creative societies and trying to transfer unexpected ideas and investments to Syria.
TSS is the exclusive agent of SAMA AL AQSA institution in Jordan in Syria, TSS is supporting creativeness and entrepreneurship in Syria.
Leadership and innovation in the provision of services.
- Providing all import, export, and international and local shipping services.
- Representing foreign companies.
- Qualifying organizations and granting them the appropriate ISO certificate.
- Programming, operating and controlling applications.
- Training and qualifying individuals and institutions.
- Implementation of development and reconstruction projects.
- Transferring entrepreneurial and innovative businesses to the Syrian market.
- Encouraging and raising the level of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Syrian market.
- Raising the level of social responsibility.
- Transfer of technology and the latest programming sciences to Syria in line with the digital revolution.
- Raising the level of business through quality control processes.

CO-DE Goals
– Creation of technology-friendly generations.
– Capacity Building in coding field.
– Spreading programming sciences in education institutions.

CO-DE mission
– Qualifying and training new commers to programming field.
– Developing programming curriculum.
– Entrepreneurship incubator.
– Supporting creative ideas.
Unique Learning Environment

Students Enrolled

Expert Teachers

Award Wins

Years Experience
Board Committee
Chairman speech Tarek Suleiman

How Will CODE Benefit Your Child?

Better Self Expression

Enhanced Creativity

Improved Observation

Better Concentration

Higher Confidence

Diverse Career Options

Committee Scientific
Executive Management Mr. Fadi maalouf
Building generations is based in one aspect on the extent of access to information and the latest findings of science. Today, economies are based on several dimensions, the most important of which is the technological dimension. From this point of view, our conviction has increased that it is not impossible to transfer knowledge and science despite the current difficulties.
The right investment is to invest in people because it serves the near and far future. Therefore, we have chosen the CO-DE project as one of the pioneering projects that will contribute to making a qualitative change to touch the future through the present.
CO-DE is a project that combines leadership and innovation and suits everyone who thinks outside the box and enables every Syrian to keep pace with developments and is able to deal with the developments that the future will bring through the four phases of the Cody project: launch – empowerment – challenge – change.
The right beginnings always help to achieve a higher degree of success, and this is what CO-DE holds for everyone who wants to obtain higher academic and professional degrees than others.
CO-DE programming is the way to move from the present to the future through the technology portal and programming languages, because every Syrian deserves the best and deserves success.